associated with payment systems:
  • Corporate strategy and program management of payment & security for a large service provider
  • Expansion of security services for a Telco through acquisition
  • Adjustment of financial reporting for a large service provider
  • Introduction of online-billing for a large service provider
  • Product development of macropayment processes
  • Product development of micropayment/-billing for a Telco
  • Introduction of new payment systems for mobile communications
  • Product development microbilling for an Internet provider
  • Adjustment of invoice management for a service provider
concerning CRM programs:
  • International Telco: smart card customer program; CRM program
  • One of the world's largest sales organizations: customer satisfaction offensive program; quality improvement program; sales and distribution control program
  • Railway: status program
  • Market leader for card- and security infrastructure: marketing strategy; cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Credit card association: marketing strategy for microchip-based technology
  • Telco: adjustment of accounting system as marketing instrument for 40m customers
  • Leading credit card company: smart card customer program
  • Large private TV channel: smart card customer program
  • Worldwide hotel chain: smart card customer program

regarding the implementation of product innovations:

  • Marketing of ISDN services in Germany for a large Telco
  • Innovation program for a Telco, 10 new products from the telecommunications sector, amongst other things foundation of an online subsidiary
  • Marketing of security services for a Telco
  • Setting up a M&A division for a Telco, product acquisitions
  • Strategy for the development of value-adding TV-services for a Telco/media company
  • Development of an Internet services portfolio for an online provider, program management
  • Shopping portal for an online provider
  • Mobile services and portal for a large online provider
  • Market development and product strategy for broadband services for a data carrier
  • Internationalization of broadband services for a data carrier
  • Mobile services for the automotive sector

in the area of e-business:

  • E-business strategy for an insurance corporation
  • Procurement card for a large bank
  • Cooperation project between a Telco and a travel agency
  • M-business strategy for a major systems integrator
  • Sales concept concerning e-business for a large systems integrator
  • Development of an e-business product line for a Telco
  • Market place for the construction industry
  • Procurement platform for the chemical industry
  • large consumer electronics unit
  • the world's leading Call-Center-service provider

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